$120 TEAM ENTRY FEE | FIRST PLACE: $200.00 + Team Expenses | SECOND PLACE: $100.00 + Team Expenses
- Entries limited to the first 10 teams.
- Must be high school age or older to play.
- Must field 6 players and at least 2 of them must be women.
- Official decision is final.
- Fighting or abusive language will not be tolerated - you will be asked to leave and could result in forfeiture of your game.
- There will be no contact with the net or it is a side out.
- Balls landing on the boundary lines are in play.
- Each team will be awarded two time-outs per game.
- All players dressed DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY in any of the games, but they will be allowed to enter the game only if the team has not made a complete rotation. Player WILL be allowed to enter the game in case of injury.
- All teams need to be onsite and ready to play at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled game. Once the preceding game has completed your match will begin immediately.
- There will be NO REFUNDS on the entry fees.
- Prize money based on a minimum of 8 teams entering each tournament. If fewer enter, prize money will be discussed prior to the tournament start.
- Abby Cunningham 217.473.0249 or Gary Hadden 217.370.2720 for more information or to enter a team.